Other Resources

JerseyCat is New Jersey’s statewide virtual catalog and interlibrary loan system. It is provided to all libraries within the State of New Jersey by the New Jersey State Library and the Regional Library Cooperatives. There is no charge to the local library for the service. It provides all New Jersey residents and library staff with real-time searching capabilities for New Jersey’s Z39.50 compliant library catalogs. It also includes a union catalog of holdings from the small to medium libraries that are under 100,00 volumes. Periodical titles can be searched for in the NJ Union List of Serials. It also provides New Jersey residents and library staff with an interlibrary loan system that they can use from their home, school, or office via the World Wide Web. Click here to access JerseyCat.
New Jersey State Library – Biblioboard
Connecting people with information through libraries. Click here to access the New Jersey State Library. .

Referencia Latina

Esta base de datos de texto completo en español cubre una amplia gama de temas dentro y fuera de la academia. Ofrece contenido de una variedad de fuentes, incluidos libros de referencia, revistas de interés general e informes de salud.
Referencia Latina is a full-text Spanish-language database that covers a broad array of subjects inside and outside academia. It offers content from a variety of sources, including reference books, general interest magazines and health reports. Click here to access Referencia Latina.