Health Resources
ABC-CLIO Health and Wellness Issues
Health and Wellness Issues by ABC-CLIO enables students to better understand the health and wellness issues affecting them, their peers, and our greater society through a multitude of authoritative reference entries and expert perspective essays. Click here to access Health and Wellness Issues.
AHFS Consumer Medication Information
AHFS Consumer Medication Information is a trusted source and recognized standard for patient drug information. It is published by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists and is updated monthly. Click here to access AHFS Consumer Medication Information.
Alt HealthWatch
Alt HealthWatch is a full-text alternative health research database focused on complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. It offers the latest information about the evolving practice of holistic medicine and therapies. Click here to access Alt HealthWatch.
Consumer Health Complete
The most comprehensive database for consumer-oriented health content, Consumer Health Complete is designed to help users gain an overall understanding of key topics across the health and wellness spectrum — from mainstream medicine to complementary, holistic and integrated medicine. Click here to access Consumer Health Complete.
Health Source – Consumer Edition
Health Source – Consumer Edition is a rich collection of consumer health information provides access to full-text consumer health magazines and reference books. It also includes searchable full text for current health pamphlets. Click here to access Health Source – Consumer Edition.
Health Source Nursing/Academic Edition
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition is a trusted full-text database covering nursing and allied health topics, including pediatric nursing, critical care, mental health, nursing management, medical law and more. Click here to access Health Source Nursing/Academic Edition.
Salud en Espanol
The Salud en Espanol database provides topic-specific reports covering all aspects of health and wellness, including overviews of diseases, conditions, procedures and treatments. Salud en Español is the one-stop resource for evidence-based reports and fact sheets in the Spanish language./ Esta base de datos proporciona informes sobre temas específicos que cubren todos los aspectos de la salud y el bienestar, incluidos resúmenes de enfermedades, afecciones, procedimientos y tratamientos. Salud en Español es el recurso integral para informes basados en evidencia y hojas informativas en español. Click here to access Salud en Espanol.