What: LearningExpress offers tools and resources to help you search for jobs, build workplace skills and prepare for career certification exams, as well as lessons to help you improve your reading, writing, math and basic science skills. You’ll also find college and grad school admissions test prep, GED test prep, U.S. citizenship test prep and much more.
When: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 11am.
Where: Computer lab (third floor) at the Linden Public Library.
What: How to Keep Your Memory Sharp, presented by Anna La Tona, Recreational and Occupational Therapist. Learn about the brain, how it works, and how we can keep it working to remain sharp, alert, and healthy in all areas of our life!
What: Health Lectures presented by Braven Health. This week’s session will discuss stress management. Learn the definition of stress, identify the three (3) different types, and understand the consequences of stress. Learn the negative signs and symptoms of stress and effective coping strategies for dealing with stress.
When: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 1pm.
Where: Columbia Bank Room at the Linden Public Library.
What: Our Friends the Trees. We will discuss what trees need and what they give back. How the different parts work together to make food; how photosynthesis works. Trees provide habitats for wildlife, provide fruits and nuts that animals and humans eats, as well as medicine. We make all kinds of things from wood. Come and experience hands-on examining exhibit items and a quiz game!
When: April 10, 2024 at 4pm.
Where: Linden Public Library.
How: Sign-up in the Children’s Room at the Linden Public Library.