Health Lecture Series – Stroke: Specific Risk Factors
April 19, 2023
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Linden Public Library - Columbia Bank Room
31 East Henry Street Linden, NJ 07036
The Linden Public Library and our partner, Robert Wood Johnson (RWJ) University Hospital of Rahway, are co-sponsoring a valuable health lecture at the library. Please join us for this free lecture and receive some promotional items.
- What: Health Lecture Series. Karen Vargas, stroke coordinator at the RWJ University Hospital of Rahway, will lead an informative talk on the topic: Stroke: Specific Risk Factors. One of the leading causes of death in America is a stroke. Many strokes can be prevented, especially if you can control specific risk factors like high blood pressure and diabetes, two health issues faced by many individuals.
- When: Wednesday, April 19, from 1pm until 2pm.
- Where: Columbia Bank Room at the Linden Public Library.
- How: Free event.