Summer Learning Kick Off Party – Barney the Brave French Bulldog
June 26, 2023
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Linden Public Library - Bernice Bedrick Room
31 East Henry Street Linden, NJ 07036
Come and enjoy refreshments and activities at the All Together Now – Summer Learning Kick Off Party!
- What: We Got This: Barney the Brave French Bulldog. Are you aware that the 4th of July can be overwhelming for our furry friends? To shed light on this issue, Kyle Phipps wrote a story about Barney, the Brave French Bulldog, and his journey confronting his fear of fireworks alongside his pals on Independence Day. The underlying message of this book is to encourage readers to embrace discomfort and take steps towards personal growth, as Barney did by facing his fears. Signed copies of the book will be available for purchase.
- When: June 26, 2023 from 11:30am until 12:30pm.
- Where: Bernice Bedrick Room at the Linden Public Library.
- Click here to view and/or download the informational flyer for this event.