Fundraiser for the Linden Public Library – Sparkles with Dawn
December 11, 2021
11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Linden Public Library - Columbia Bank Room
31 East Henry Street Linden, NJ 07036
It’s time to sleigh your wish list! Searching for that perfect gift can overwhelm even the savviest of shoppers. It can be a tall order to find something that shows you care without breaking the bank. Luckily, you have the Magic of Paparazzi: Fabulous $5 Jewelry that makes you feel like a million!
- What: Fundraiser for the Linden Public Library. $5 costume jewelry.
- When: Saturday, December 11 from 11am until 4pm.
- Where: Columbia Bank Room at the Linden Public Library
- Click here to view and/or download the image associated with the event.